Do You Need A Lawyer When Someone Dies In Ontario?

Do You Need A Lawyer When Someone Dies In Ontario
Do You Need A Lawyer When Someone Dies In Ontario

When a loved one dies, it is the first responsibility of the family to take care of the funeral and other necessary things after death. After some days, you should start the legal proceedings regarding the death of the deceased. For example death certificate, finding of will, calculation of assets. Here we will provide all important information about the scenario after death and regarding; do you need a lawyer when someone dies in Ontario.

Ontario Lawyer After Death

Ontario Lawyer After Death

Ontario Lawyer After Death

The answer to; do you need a lawyer when someone dies in Ontario is yes, there are many important and legal things after the death of the deceased for which you should consult with a lawyer and hire him to give his legal services. If the deceased has real estate and he signed the will before the death then the first step is to execute the will.

In Ontario only an estate trustee has legal power and authority to manage and distribute the estate (mentioned in the will). You have to file the petition of probate in the court through your attorney. The court will nominate an estate trustee and give him power to distribute the estate between the beneficiaries.

If the deceased has an insurance policy, then you should take service from an attorney who will negotiate with the insurance company to give the amount to the beneficiaries. Most insurance policies have an appointed lawyer set in the policy of the insurance company. You are not bound to use this attorney or lawyer office, but you will be expected to carry the difference at costs at least. 

 Do You Need A Lawyer When Someone Dies In Ontario?

Slip Fall Attorney:

If the deceased is dead due to the negligence of another person then you can reach the slip fall attorney to file the suit against the accused. Slip fall attorney will help you to file the suit in the court and recover the compensation cost. In negligence cases, the most important element is to prove the negligence of the accused with the help of evidence, facts and witnesses. Slip fall attorney can help you in all these legal matters to get the maximum compensation from the accused.

Workplace Injury Attorney:

If you are injured in the workplace due to the negligence of another person or mismanagement of the employer. You can file the compensation cost and all other remedies available in the law against the company or employer. Workplace injury attorney will help you to collect all facts, evidence from the workplace and then proceed in the court. Workplace injury attorney can help to get the remedies and recovery of damages against the injuries.

Ontario Lawyer After Death Through Negligence
Ontario Lawyer After Death Through Negligence

Dog Bite Lawyer:

If you are bitten by a dog and get severely injured. It is your right to sue against the owner, keeper or harbored of the dog. They are liable to pay the compensation. Dog bite lawyer will help you to draft and plead the case in the court and to get the damages. Dog bite lawyer will also explain to you about the case, rights, claims and worth of the case. For example if you are involved in the teasing/tormenting of a dog then you are not able to get any compensation from the owner.

Ontario Lawyer FAQs:

1: What do you need to be a lawyer in Canada?

2: Do you need a lawyer for family court?

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